International Students


Canadian aviation licensing and training requirements are widely recognized as the most competitive in the world market. Canada is a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) which governs international pilot standards.

Here’s why:
  • Your money will go far in Canada. The cost of living is low.
  • No security hassles. If you are from the EU, or any industrialized nation, all you need is a passport for a course of 6 months or less. No visa, no fingerprinting, no fees, no delays. Student from other countries are very welcome and have to go through a simple visa process. Private Pilot license conversions are fast and easy.
  • On-site accommodations. No need for a car, expensive hotels, and apartment rentals. Start when you want and stay right on the school and airport property.
  • Many more advantages. International students are very welcome at LS Airways Flight Academy. Over the years we’ve developed an excellent system for our international aviation students, allowing them to make a smooth transition to living in Canada and to complete flight training with minimum fuss and cost. 
  • LS Airways Flight Academy has a valid DLI registration: DLI 0123065735047